QMaths believe in speed along with accuracy. Our modules are designed with a specific level of speed and accuracy. We ace parameters that is to be achieved at least, specially in four basic operations. A computer-based competition program enables a student to compete with herself/himself while competing with the fellow students. Most of our school curriculum makes the student paper-pen friendly. Mental math exercise is beneficial to eliminate math phobia and also to enhance the calculation speed. Mental math is the need of the hour. The students of primary classes need to given sheets of mental calculation regularly. The material developed by QMaths has sufficient inputs from the Singapore Math, UK books as well as USA school math books regarding the mental math activity.

Mental mathematics consists of arithmetical calculations using only the human brain, with no help from any other device such as calculator or material such as pencil and paper or even fingers. Students or competition examinees use mental calculation when computing tools are not available. With the practice, mental calculation can be faster than other means of calculation such as conventional educational institution methods. Mental calculation often involves the use of specific techniques devised for specific types of problems. Many of these techniques take advantage of Vedic Math Sutras, the number theory basics or some shortcuts devised from time to time. It can come in handy in everyday situations many a times, time management for studies or business, from working out the best multi-buy deal in the supermarket, to calculating how long you will need to wait for the next train, to manage the financial strategies.

People who need to use maths in their business for quick decisions or in their jobs, whether accountancy, bulk buy or sell, retail or engineering for example, often do quite complex and fast estimations in their heads, so that they have a good idea of what the answer will be before they take the time to do a more complex calculation. Mental arithmetic also helps to develop a real understanding of the mathematical methods of arithmetic, rather than just doing calculations through a process of memorization.

Practising mental arithmetic might seem like hard work, and to some people who find maths difficult, mental math might even seem like a scary prospect. But as with all things, the more you do it, the easier it gets. QMaths has lots and lots of mental calculation strategies and  gives you some helpful shortcuts and handy methods, hints and tips to make the mental calculation quicker, easier and a whole lot less scary.

QMaths believe in speed along with accuracy. Our modules are designed with a specific level of speed and accuracy. We ace parameters that is to be achieved at least, especially in four basic operations. A computer-based and app-based competition program enables a student to compete with herself/himself while competing with the fellow students. Most part of the school math curriculum makes the student paper-pen friendly. Mental math exercise is beneficial to eliminate math phobia and also to enhance the calculation speed. Mental math is the need of the hour. The students of primary classes need to be given sheets of mental calculation regularly. The material developed by QMaths has sufficient inputs from the Singapore Math, UK books as well as USA school math books regarding the mental math activity.

The utilization of equation manipulation, quick functions, and calculation tricks to arrive at the right answer for a solvable query is all about mental math. With mental math practice, kids can perform complex calculations within a few seconds while requiring minimal assistance. With the right teaching mechanisms, kids can learn strategies that they can apply in their everyday lives as well.